Product Investment

The last part of your Boudoir journey!
One week after your Boudoir session you set your in person reveal of your beautifully retouched photos! Time frame can vary during holidays.
After your slide show presentation you may place your product order!
We offer a wide range of products at various price points to meet
everyone's different needs,
Prints, Luxury Albums, and Custom Flash Drives with Full Printing Rights are available. Products range from 500 to 2200.
Payment plans are available through me.
Every woman has her own taste, style, and preference. You get full control of what you want and what you Invest.
Please contact me for my full product list
These are Timeless, Beautiful Photographs of you that will last a life time! Something every women must treat herself to!
The Lady Fine Brochure is a deeper look into my sessions! Have a peek!